Using data to navigate the path for your success.
Analogy & Associates is qualified and experienced in the practice of geospatial mapping and data analysis through data creation, analysis, database management and web services.
Our focus on data creation, analysis, and normalization, positions us to provide bespoke quality mapping and solutions to virtually any client from any industry. Regardless of client size or scope, we are committed to customer satisfaction through the entire project life cycle. From initial system consultation and architecture design, through project completion and service launch, A&A works to exceed the expectations of every client.
Geospatial Mapping and Data Analysis Capabilities and Knowledge Areas include:

A&A offers this service to customers needing to collect and procure satellite images based on a specified time period. In highly competitive industries, the need to have a relatively immediate “birds eye view” may require this function. We have the access and ability to collect wide swaths of images that can be useful during media coverage of natural disasters, as well as major real estate development projects.
Feature extraction is one of the most critical components of geographic information systems (GIS) besides systems architecture and databasing. Our knowledge of building systems and databases to support the editing of points, polygons and polylines in the geographic environment is a key contributor to a highly accurate GIS. Two dimensional feature extraction requires collection of Nadir aerial imagery referenced to ground control points and for higher accuracy ortho-rectified. Three dimensional (3D) extraction requires stereo apparatus and software. 3D feature extraction provides a multitude of uses from viewshed analysis to a better understanding of ground conditions.
A&A offers the ability to use infrared imaging to analyze the health of vegetation. This process is often used for environmental studies, but its application can be used in multiple fields. We combine this sensor technology with additional geospatial data layers including natural and man-made geographic features along with the digital elevation models to provide environmental forecasting. This analysis will help make decisions easier for those planning communities, maintaining parks, golf courses and farms and identifying environmental risks.
This service utilizes a plethora of historical and present geospatial data along routes to equip our clients with the safest and/or most economical transportation and logistics options for their respective lines of business. Our goal is to analyze pertinent routing data so that your future decisions can be based on metrics and not assumptions.
This option is a relatively common tool in most GIS software. It utilizes elevation values within a digital elevation model to determine lines of sight or views from a particular vantage point. Common uses include determining the location of cellular communication towers or for considering the approval of construction in cities or counties with strict land use ordinances. It can also be used to understand what parts of a geographic area are visible from specific vantage points. As mentioned in the three dimensional feature extraction section, the more 3D data that is created, the more accurate the viewshed analysis will be. Our geographic information systems processes take into consideration these details when producing this analysis and can inform our clients based on what 3D data is available.
Our team specializes in the optimization of your geospatial database through standardizing metadata, naming conventions and creating data indexes to ensure that your GIS is running as efficiently as possible. We configure databases to perform based on standard operations for utilization in both the desktop and web environments.